
Etkinlik Takvimimiz

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Namık Kemal, Köşk Sk. No:18/A, 34762 Ümraniye/İstanbul


Currently inactive

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Smile Movement?

As a group of people who believe that we can solve many events and problems we encounter with different and untried methods and make them more beautiful, we officially launched our movement in Istanbul on October 18, 2021. With this movement, we aim to establish a large gang on the world by offering the opportunity to be a part of this volunteer movement to every person we come into contact with on our journey as a small gang. We believe that together we will have a positive impact on our planet with various education and social responsibility projects. We are building the Smile Movement as an implementer of the Agile system for this purpose.

Who are you?

We are a young volunteer gang with different experiences and backgrounds. We like to share our resources to support others and always smile. You can see our real selves in our gang section 🙂

What gang is this?

The Smile Movement is an association that adopts the agile philosophy and works in teams. Since we have a slightly mischievous and smiling nature, we found it appropriate to give our teams the name "gang".

Who are you affiliated with?

The Smile Movement Association is an independent non-governmental organization. It has no affiliation with any community, party, institution or formation.

Who is the “Boss” in the Smile Movement?

Unfortunately, in the Smile Movement, the boss is "you". Yes, you heard right. As our biggest and strongest stakeholders, you have the right to question our activities, attend our meetings, criticize us constructively and provide us with feedback to help us make improvements 🙂 Please make good use of this right.

What makes you different from others?

Our biggest difference is that we work intensively to internalize the “agile philosophy”, adapt it to the structure of non-governmental organizations, and disseminate it.

Can I attend your meetings?

Due to the principle of transparency, almost all of our meetings are open to you. You can participate in our meetings in the event calendar online. Necessary explanations are written in the event details.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at info@tebessumhareketi.org 

Where can I join your meetings?

We hold our meetings as hybrid as possible. You can join the meetings with the Google Meet addresses in the events we have created in the Event Calendar. You can also join face-to-face by coming to our association after reaching us by e-mail.

Where is your association?

The full address of our association is Namık Kemal Mahallesi, Köşk Sokak, No:18/A Ümraniye/İstanbul.

How can I join you?

You can reach us through the following channels and request to join us:

  1. By filling out the “Become a Volunteer!” form on our social media accounts and website.
  2. info@tebessumhareketi.org by sending an e-mail to the address
  3. By sending a message from our social media accounts
  4. By visiting us during the times when our association is open.

you can forward.

How can I provide financial support?

You can send your financial support to our donation accounts below:

Association Bank Accounts

Expense Account



Education Donation Account



External Activities Gang









Where can I follow your events?

Gönüllü Ol after filling out the form, we will register you to our mailing list. You can receive announcements by filling out this form.

Why do you work Agile?

Because everything that exists is constantly changing. Agile working has emerged as a suitable method to be able to adapt to this change quickly.

There are items at home that I don't use, do you evaluate them?

If there are stationery, reading books, etc., Biricik Gang uses them in educational activities.

If there are second-hand clothes, household goods, etc., we cannot directly use them, but we can direct them to other interested institutions.

Where do you operate?

For now, we are actively working in Ümraniye and its surroundings.

I am not in Istanbul, how can I be your volunteer?

One of the best things about the Smile Movement is that we hold most of our organizational meetings online. If you want to join us, we are sure we can find a lot of things for you to do outside of Istanbul.

How did so many people come together?

These 10 people were already producing value together in a civil society organization where they volunteered. However, we now had to approach the events we encountered around us from a different perspective. With this intention, we decided to start the Smile Movement.

What is the structure of your association?

The Smile Movement has a horizontal structure based on transparency and accountability principles, participatory and teamwork. Our association currently consists of 3 gangs and the Board of Directors Gang, which is hierarchically above these gangs. There is no hierarchy among individuals. The only hierarchical structure is that the Board of Directors Gang works above the other gangs.

Yönetim Kurulu Çetesi nedir?

Derneğin temel organlarından olan Yönetim Kurulu’nu da bir takıma dönüştürdük. Derneğin vizyon ve misyonunun belirlenmesinde rol almaktadır. Aynı zamanda Genel Kurulu’n resmi temsilcisidir.

What is the Outside Activities Gang?

They are the door of the association opening to the outside. They organize entertaining and educational events. They build bridges of sincerity with everyone who comes into contact with us. They give importance to sustainability and development. The gang is the owner of the Heybe Project.

What is the One and Only Gang?

They set out by saying that each child's needs and learning style are specific to that child. They took their name from the project they carried out, the Biricik Project. Their goals include filling bookless libraries with books, visiting village schools to hold workshops and establishing an education center.

What is the Media and Publicity Gang?

This gang is focused on learning and mastering media platforms. Although they focus primarily on managing and producing content on Instagram, Facebook, and Google platforms, topics and platforms such as WordPress, EventBrite, Medium, and SEO are also on their agenda.

What is the Unique Project?

It is run by Biricik Gang. In the Biricik Project, trainings and workshops are organized on the academic and psychosocial development of children at and below critical levels. The project helps children participating in the project develop their talents and discover their potential. During the program, mobile activities are carried out monthly to broaden the horizons of the students. In addition, the success and talents of the students are measured with measurement, evaluation and observation forms.

What is the Saddlebag project?

It is run by the External Activities Gang. The main purpose is to discover the talents of families in need and to create new projects that will turn them into active individuals in life. For example; organizing an amigurumi workshop for a group of women who enjoy knitting, organizing Turkish literacy lessons for refugee families.